Widespread concern over our eventual AI overlords begs the question: what kinds of minds will engineer these complex, intelligent systems? The likes of Rahul Remanan seem up to the challenge. After graduating from India’s most prestigious medical University, receiving a Doctorate in Neurology from Cornell, founding Nanoveda, a company developing ground-breaking cancer therapies, and Ekaveda, a tech-based think tank, Remanan is turning his attention to AI. Founding Moad Computers, he builds the hardware that runs sophisticated neural nets for American enterprises.

We sat down to talk to Remanan about how his AI company is selling businesses what is perhaps the most valuable commodity: intelligence.

Q. How would you define MOAD as a company in one phrase or a sentence?

A. We are a full-stack artificial intelligence company.

Q. What are your first few products in the making?

A. We focus on empowering developers. The first product is a very compact, yet powerful deep-learning application development server named Ada. The second one is an AI developer platform called Jomiraki. Jomiraki is a cloud and GPU powered powerful solution built on an industry leading and fully open source technology stack.

Q. When and how did your journey begin? What is your story so far?

A. The journey started in early 2017, after nearly a decade of experience in scientific computing and deep-learning research in healthcare. A brief introduction about myself: I am trained as a doctor. Multi-disciplinary work involving scientific computing and healthcare is my life’s passion. After some brief market research, we found a significant opportunity in creating a full-stack artificial intelligence company that focuses on software development, hardware optimizations and cloud optimizations in a single basket.

Q. What are some of the hurdles the company faced and overcame to reach where it stands right now ?

A. We have one driving philosophy: developers, developers, developers. Attracting talented and motivated developers is the biggest hurdle we have encountered so far.

Q. What stage of funding is the company in? Are you looking for more?

A. We are a very young company, less than a year old. Funding is always good, but we are focusing on organic growth. One thing better than funding is customers. We are currently fully focused on expanding our customer base.

“One thing better than funding is customers.”

Rahul Remanan, Founder of Moad Computer

Q. What value would your products bring to the NYC tech 
market? Who do you plan to target as a consumer here and the rest of United States or worldwide?

A. The power of open source software, brilliant hardware and superb cloud solutions that can be deployed in any of the top cloud platforms, is a distinct advantage of us. One of the unique marketing approach of ours is to actively engage the artificial intelligence community in New York to spread brand awareness.

Q. How do you plan to expand this company and what are the goals you intend to achieve over the next 5 years? How confident are you about what you envision?

A. The annual sales target for next year is $3 million dollars. There is a significant amount of distance to be covered. Considering the amazingly conducive business environment right here in the US, I am confident we can achieve some stellar results and some more.

Of all the controversial future uses of AI, using it to heal the sick is surely not one. And if Rahul Remanan gets his way, that is exactly what the AI of the future will look like.